Restaurant Stará střelnice

The restaurant with a large terrace is situated next to the tennis courts, which are part of the complex. Visitors can enjoy a wide selection of hot dishes, salads, and lots of great snacks.

Beer of excellent quality is tapped. For refreshment on hot summer days, the menu includes tasty ice cream desserts. On request we can arrange social events with complete gastroservisem (hot and cold banquets, grilling, roasting, etc.).

Opening hours:
Mo – Tu 17:00 – 21:00
Fri, Sat 11:00 – 22:00
Sun 11:00 – 20:00

In the case of private events, the restaurant is limited.

Company parties, banquets & training
We completely provide banquets, family celebrations, corporate parties and wedding celebrations.
Contact us.

Accountable Manager:
Karla Vlasáková
Sady Čs. legií 770
753 01 Hranice
ID: 703 08 501
Steuernummer: CZ7055055865